This dashboard provides many options for staking and earning $bCASH.
View Stakoor Contract DashboardStake a minimum of 10k $bCASH for 1 week and earn a share of the staking pool.
You can add to your stake at any time and/or compound earnings after 1 week. Both of these actions reset your 1 week timer.
There is a 10% tax on withdrawals. This will be reflected in your amount claimable.
Your bCASH:
Your Staked bCASH:
Enter amount to stake
You must approve before staking!
Time until Claimable:
Est. bCASH Claimable:
This contract allows you to deposit 1-25 AVAX and receive an equivalent amount of $bCASH for free in exchange for taking on the risk of providing liquidity for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks you will receive PGL liquidity tokens (minus a 10% fee that goes to the bCASH treasury). You can only have one lock per wallet at a time.
Providing liquidity comes with significant risks.
Learn More HereYour Locked PGL:
Your Est. AVAX:
Your Est. bCASH:
Time until unlocked:
Enter amount of AVAX to lock in LP
Your PGL:
Your Staked PGL:
Enter amount to stake/unstake
You must approve before staking!
Est. Avax Staked:
Est. bCASH Staked:
Est. bCASH Claimable:
Your JLP:
Your Staked JLP:
Enter amount to stake/unstake
You must approve before staking!
Est. Avax Staked:
Est. bCASH Staked:
Est. bCASH Claimable: